Stakeholder Engagements
Chair Wong was pleased to update the Commission on his presentation to City Council’s Public and Protective Services Committee on October 1st. These updates are important to ensure Council is aware of what is happening within the police service and where we are at with the transition. Several Commission members attended a Stakeholder Engagement session with City Council on October 2nd. These meetings provide an opportunity for City Council to update the Commission on their strategic priorities and for the Commission to update Council on their strategic priorities. The two groups will strive to meet biannually going forward.
Grande Prairie Police Service Transition Update
The first recruit class (RTC #1) is in week six of their training and GPPS executive are receiving very positive feedback on their progress. These 12 recruits engaged in a one-week Emergency Vehicle Operation Course during week four and had the opportunity to showcase their progress to the media on the final day. Applications are being received for RTC #2 (14 recruits), with training to commence in March. Three experienced officers have been selected for the 2nd Experienced Officer class. These members will commence training on October 21st. Two of the members will be assigned to the RCMP detachment and one member will be assigned to the Caribou Child and Youth Centre. Sergeant Fraser commenced his assignment to the RCMP detachment in the Forensic Identification Unit. Recruitment for five peace officer positions with municipal enforcement is being finalized. These positions will bring the team to a full complement.
Grande Prairie Friendship Centre
Abby Bourque and Sheila Moekoert provided the Commission with an overview of all the services provided by the Friendship Centre. The Commission was pleased to hear that services are open to anyone and that they provide immediate assistance for essential needs until other services have been established. The Centre also provides much needed support for children and families getting ready for school, education and advocacy for pregnant and parenting women/teens, youth and peer support groups, housing supports, meals through the Community Kitchen among other much needed services. The Centre also has a location in Northwestern Polytechnic that is open to all students. Funding for programs is provided through various grants and partnerships as well as what is raised at the Grande Gathering Gala. The Commission appreciates their work in the community and looks forward to the developing relationship with the police service.