2024 3rd Quarter Policing Services Financial Update
Chief Lakusta provided the Commission with a 3rd quarter update on the financials for policing services. Services in this report include the Police Transition, GPPS tax funded, Commission, Municipal Enforcement, Mobile Outreach, Policing Support Services, and the RCMP Contract. Year to date actuals for policing services are $27,177,821, and year-end projections indicate there will be just over a $2.7 million dollar savings. A significant portion of savings is attributed to personnel with some savings in non-personnel related expenses.
Native Counselling Services of Alberta
The Commission received a presentation from Constance Cardinal and Laurie Parenteau-English on the programs and services provided by Native Counselling Services of Alberta (NCSA). NCSA began over 50 years ago by providing court assistance to Indigenous people with the goal of attaining fair and equitable treatment across the province. Programs include: Indigenous Courtwork, Healing Centres, Housing supports, Residential School health supports, family reconciliation, home visitations, community engagement, Wâhkômiwêw Connections, and Wapekin. There are currently 6 staff in Grande Prairie with offices throughout Alberta. NCSA’s media team also produces videos that teach proper interactions with the police. One of their videos, that they presented to the Commission, can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQDuF-mFJ_s.
Police Transition Management Committee
In alignment with their Strategic Priority to monitor and support the transition, the Commission approved the implementation of an adhoc committee that will be in place until Grande Prairie Police Service becomes the police of primary jurisdiction. The Committee is made of up 3 Policing Committee/Police Commission members, the Grande Prairie Detachment Officer In Change, the Grande Prairie Police Service Chief of Police, and the City of Grande Prairie’s Chief of Public and Protective Services.
Grande Prairie Police Service Transition Update
The Experienced Officer Program #2 completed its five-week training on November 16th. This cohort includes two constables who will be assigned to front-line operations with the RCMP, and a detective that will be assigned to the Caribou Child and Youth Centre. On November 12th the Assistant Deputy Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services (PSES) and the Executive Director of Law Enforcement met with the GPPS Executive Team. An update on the transition that highlighted key milestones achieved was provided and discussions took place regarding the Ministry’s expectations as GPPS works toward becoming the Police of Jurisdiction. PSES is pleased with the progress to date. The 2025 GPPS Policing Services Budget was presented to Council’s Committee of the Whole on October 29th. Enforcement Services has hired four new Peace Officers, bringing their total complement to 24 Peace Officers, 1 Bylaw Officer, and 3 Supervisors.